Tuesday, 29 October 2019

Do MORE Work In Less Time!

Do More Work In Less Time We all have the same 24 hours in the day, but how we choose to use them is totally up to us. If you want to discover how to do more work in less time watch carefully because some individuals managed to do huge amounts of work, while others, in fact, most people do less than half an often much less. You’re probably thinking that this additional work output comes down to them working harder, and this may be a small part of this equation. Getting more done really comes down to working smarter, and working smart and getting more work done in less time comes down to your mindset. Your belief, and what you believe you can achieve, but more importantly having a process that works is the most important element in this equation. Spending less time working more effectively comes down to not so much what you do, as what you don’t do! Which in this case is allowing yourself to be distracted? Distractions are always going to be there for all of us, but some individuals are far more adept at ignoring and avoiding them than others. This is the secret to achieving more work in less time, staying laser focused on the task at hand, and using every spare moment wisely. Every moment of time that you allow yourself to be distracted, you waste additional time trying to refocus yourself, so by removing temptation completely so you can stay hundred percent focused on your goals and objectives. Having breaks and changing the action is also important for high achievement success. I always suggest working in small increments with lots of starts and lots of finishes, the times where you remember and achieve most. Then use this time in between your work blocks for other more mundane tasks. https://youtu.be/wsV0iZUW1l4

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