Tuesday, 22 October 2019

Mindset and Money | How to Train Yours

Success and making money, starts and finishes with your mindset.

How you decide to think is EVERYTHING!

If you think about generating money with a positive attitude, then you are far more likely to be successful that those individuals who give no consideration to this important option.

The late great Henry Ford summed it up in one sentence: with the you believe you can, or you believe you can’t, you will be correct!

This is basically positive thinking in action.

One of the wisest judo coaches I have ever met would always spend time at the end of every training session talking about mindset, seeing your success, taking time to appreciate yourself standing on the top of the podium.

Before judo contest, he would say, if you believe you can then you have a chance, if you believe you can’t, or haven’t given it any thought, then you have no chance!

It’s the same with anything, but especially money, and the way you think about money and how you generate it.

To me, success, mindset and making money is all about residual income.

Passive income streams which I developed once and then generate income from over and over again.

This is smart thinking and the right mindset to make money, lots of money and ongoing income, while I’m free to live my life on my terms.

When it comes to mindset and making money, you can train the way you think simply because you’re the one who decides what you think about.

You’re also the one who decides what you believe!

Yes, you can change your beliefs.

Your present circumstances come down to the way you think, what you believe and the actions you have taken.

If you want to improve anything, simply change one of these 3 things.

See you at the top!

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