Thursday, 31 October 2019

Influential Words

Whatever your niche or marketplace, if you want to generate a good income you need to be able to influence and communicate well.

All communication starts with the written word, if you can write words which influence people you will never go hungry.

Everything starts with words, from taking notes, to writing emails, articles, and sales material. Even the text for this video all started with putting pen to paper, or in my case, words on the screen.

Most people are happy to tell you that they can’t write!

What utter rubbish, everyone who has ever learnt to read can also write. It’s just that right now they usually don’t have that much belief or confidence in their skills.

This is due to the fact they have never given their writing skills that much effort.

The truth is, that most people have negative memories of their English teacher and having to write boring essays and projects, and the tasks were arduous.

However, and by complete contrast, if you follow the information and guides included in this video, then you will find writing simple, engaging and lots of fun.

In fact, I generally start with a warning, which on this occasion is that writing can become more addictive than heroin, to me it is!

Seriously, there is nothing more rewarding than writing copy which goes on to influence readers and swell your bank account.

Learning to write and master the powers of written influence is really not that difficult if you take it a step at a time, and are prepared to commit to writing something every day.

Just 15 to 30 minutes today and you will soon see your writing skills dramatically improving.

So, if you want to run your own small business please let me remind you that written communication skills are not just important, but essential.

If you don’t learn the skill of writing yourself, then you have to rely on someone else who may not deliver exactly what you had wanted, and not only that employing a good copywriter can cost you a small fortune.

Learning to write influential words and copy is probably the biggest and most valuable investment into your future profit generating ability you can make.

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