Friday, 20 December 2019

Thursday, 21 November 2019

Wednesday, 20 November 2019

Saturday, 16 November 2019

PPC Steps Review 💥Plus BONUSES!💥

 Instant Traffic Hacks for Bigger Profits

Whatever your business we all need Instant Traffic Hacks for generating Bigger Ongoing Profits.

Well now PPC steps has just made getting instant streams of traffic a lot easier.

This step-by-step course will show you have to switch a flow of traffic on as soon a tomorrow.

#instanttraffichacks #ppcsteps

Friday, 15 November 2019

Affiliate Secret System - You Need to Know This

Traffic tiger gives you no fewer than 10 methods of driving prospects to affiliate products and services and generating asmall averlanch of ongoing profits, sales and commisions.

This is you affilaite secret system for getting big financial profits. 

Thursday, 14 November 2019

Secret Affiliate Marketing Hacks Review

 You're always going to require traffic to drive your affiliate marketing campaign.

That's why the secret affiliate marketing hacks reviews are so interesting and important, simply because tigers traffic provides you with 10 underutilized and rather unique methods for driving unlimited volumes of traffic to your affiliate links.

All you have to do is to go through these 10 traffic driving methods and assimilate the ones which interest you the very most.


Wednesday, 13 November 2019

Tigers Traffic Review

Traffic tiger gives you no fewer than 10 methods of driving prospects to affiliate products and services and generating asmall averlanch of ongoing profits, sales and commisions.

This is you affilaite secret system for getting big financial profits.


Mindset of the Strongest People

Nurchering the right mindset is not just important, but essential for success, get this right and its literally millionaire thinking in operation.

This is the mindset of the strongest people in our society today.

Watch this short video to fully understand the steps and proccess for you to develop a strong mindset.

Tuesday, 12 November 2019

Millionaire Success Mindset Review

Mindset of the Strongest People

Nurchering the right mindset is not just important, but essential for success, get this right and its literally millionaire thinking in operation.

This is the mindset of the strongest people in our society today.

Watch this short video to fully understand the steps and proccess for you to develop a strong mindset.

Easy eCash Review 💥eBay Profits and Bonuses💥

If you want to discover how to generate lucrative and ongoing eBay profits, then this is the right video.

Anyone can learn how to generate ongoing eBay profits and in this short video we focus on exactely that.


Monday, 11 November 2019

Wordpress Views And Visitors - and How to Get Them

 WordPress Views And Visitors and How to Get Them!

If you have a wordpress website I am sure that its purpose is to generate visitors, views and result in generating a profit?

If so, then you will need to discover the skills of generating wordpress views and visitors and website engagemenst, nothing is more important for building your bank balance.

So please enjoy this WordPress Views And Visitors video and the solution to website success.


Sunday, 10 November 2019

EZ Wordpress Engagement Review

If you have a wordpress website I am sure that its purpose is to generate a profit?

If so, then you will need to discover the skills of generating website engagement, nothing is more important for building your bank balance.

So please enjoy this WordPress Views And Visitors video and the solution to website success.


Instant Influencer Review

Writing unique content takes time and effort, lots of it until now. This is a game changer and from this point forward you'll be in a position to unique articles and content for your website at any time you wish.

This short and consise video inclued the steps how to write unique articles the easy way.


Saturday, 9 November 2019

Classic Traffic Pro Review 🔥How to Manage Multiple Instagram Accounts🔥

To get Clasic Traffic Pro + bonuses use this link:

Clasic Traffic Pro

Is an amazing peice of instagram software for finding and reporosing viral Instagram posts.

If you've be considering starting your own online business then Clasic Traffic Pro would be a great starting point because its beginner friendly to use, and has inexpensive start up costs.

Clasic Traffic Pro also has the potential for you to begin your own  profitable Instagram agency.


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Thursday, 7 November 2019

Networking Breakfast

If you want to build a network of potential customers and individuals who will promote your business for you, then serious consider attending networking breakfast meetings.

Networking breakfasts and networking events are a great way building a strong supporting network.

Wednesday, 6 November 2019

Marketing Without a Budget

When a company fails to market themselves a terrible thing happens, NOTHING!

No visitors, no income, no hope, just a slow and painful death.

For most small businesses and services, driving related hot PROSPECTS and TRAFFIC, and will be their most important of daily challenges.

In my small laptop lifestyle business 90% of my time is spent driving new prospects, and dealing with purchase ready prospects.

It’s the lifeblood of any business!

If I use paid traffic, I can switch traffic on immediately, and off again when I have enough.

However, I prefer free traffic, probably because I see the long-term potential.

Free traffic requires momentum, lots of it!

Then, eventually, when your traffic streams are working you will hit critical mass and your volume of visitors will begin to grow exponentially.

Some free traffic sources will start driving prospects immediately.

Especially if you do them correctly!

Others require more effort to get them rolling, but when they do start, then they can be quite amazing.

The 5 free traffic streams I suggest you investigate are:

  • ·         Facebook marketing
  • ·         Article commenting
  • ·         Forum marketing
  • ·         YouTube marketing
  • ·         SEO marketing

Strangely enough, I have just made a very informative video on this very subject.
Enjoy, and please subscribe to my channel while you’re there.

Monday, 4 November 2019

Always Write a Thank You Note!

It’s hard to estimate the value of good manners, but if you take the time to always write a thank you note, I promise this small effort will take everything to the next league.

I know someone who writes anything up to 20 to 30 short thank you notes and birthday greetings each and every day.

You might think she is someone who enjoys writing thank you notes, and you would be correct she does because she writes her birthday greetings and thank you notes so eloquently and with true passion.

However, anyone with just a little practice could write notes and greetings equally as good as hers. 

The truth of the matter is at some point she learned that writing thank you notes and birthday greetings builds relationships, friendships that means she gets remembered every time they need the product that she has to offer.

Always write a thank you note and birthday greetings and you will be remembered, and when people remember you favourably, they will use your services and certainly feel proud to share them and recommend them to their friends.

This is reciprocity in action in this short video highlights how one person turned this simple skill into a net 6 figure income working from the comfort of her own home.

If you always write a thank you note, you could do exactly the same.

Sunday, 3 November 2019

Why Momentum Is Important

There are many actions you can take to help you become successful in life and at anything you achieve, but none of them are strong as momentum.

This short video is all about why Momentum is important, in fact, not so much important as essential, because without momentum your progress will be much more difficult and slower, if you progress at all.

Momentum can sometimes be difficult to get started, and right at the start and before momentum kicks in harder to achieve.

However, once you have started, and momentum starts to work for you everything becomes very much easier because now your momentum is doing all of the heavy lifting and your behalf.

Just imagine for a moment your car ran out of petrol on the way home from work today, and that you had to push it, now getting started is the hard bit.

But a body in motion generally stays in motion until it is acted on by an outside force which on this occasion would be gravity and friction.

So as soon as you start pushing it and the wheel start rolling, it builds momentum and it becomes a little bit easier. If you keep pushing and giving it effort to build up speed and even greater momentum.

Now it starts to get really easy and momentum means that you can probably carry on pushing it easily with one hand and without much effort. That’s momentum in action!

But momentum works in just about everything you’re trying to achieve, it is far easier to keep something moving than to get it started, so please watch this short video and make momentum one of your main priorities.

You won’t regret it

Think Your Way to Success

It’s very possible for you, or anyone to think their way to success!

In fact, it happens all the time, someone starts with the thought, an idea or more possibly and desire, a strong desire to make something happen.

They hold and play with that idea and it propagates and grows until the point they are hundred and 100 % believe they can make it happen.

As soon as this happens there cooking on gas because now their subconscious mind starts working on their behalf. It begins finding and filtering related thoughts and ideas which it regularly drops into their conscious mind for them to consider more deeply.

If there wise, they record these ideas as quickly as possible because very often a good idea comes to your mind and quickly evaporates, or more likely gets overwritten by another thought and then it’s gone forever.

This is the process of thinking your way to success and sometimes one idea could be followed by a small avalanche of other ideas or which need to be recorded and written down as quick as possible.

These all come as a result of thinking your way to success and some of these ideas I just sparks or the beginning of an idea, but other ideas which will complement and grow them will soon arrive and this is the reason they need to be recorded for posterity and future use.

Watch this video and then try thinking your way to success, if you give it just a little effort there is no possible way for you to be unsuccessful.

Have fun.

Saturday, 2 November 2019

Self-Imposed Limitations

Self-imposed limitations literally stop a huge percentage of individuals from ever achieving, or coming close to achieving their full potential in life!

How sad, especially when the self-imposed limitations could easily and quite quickly be totally overcome.

When you believe you can’t do something you have already failed.

Whether you believe you can, or you believe you can’t you will be correct.

Such self-imposed limitations are literally a mental jail of your own design, and until your thinking and belief system change it will keep you prisoner.

I had many mental limitations in my teenage years, I think many of us do. For a long time, I doubted myself and my abilities, I didn’t believe I could and for that reason I didn’t.

Then one day, something changed with in me, and deep inside me I started to believe that I possibly could, and that feeling and thought grew and propagated, and very soon I tried, and guess what, I could!

Your self-imposed limitations start and finish with belief, and that’s where you have to do start your quest, by changing your beliefs in your limitations and crushing any self-imposed restrictions you may have.

Life is a living, so crush any self-imposed limitations you may have as soon as possible and start living your life rather than just surviving it.

Watch this video a few times it will show you how to overcome any self-imposed limitations you may have.

WP Plugin Google Reviews

I was going to make a WP plug-in Google review, however, I soon realised what most people are interested in is learning about the plug-ins that will make you the most money.

So, if generating ongoing profit is your main interest and preoccupation, then I’m going to share the 5 most profitable and important plug-ins that I use on a daily basis.

First: of all, you must use WordPress rather than any other type of website platform for the simple reason that there are so many productive and profitable plug-ins made the WP.

My most productive of tools is without doubt elementor which is a page generator. It wasn’t the easiest plug-in to master by any means, but as I started to learn I soon realised I could create pages and websites exceptionally fast with this clever and constantly evolving Page Maker.

My second most productive plug-in is backup buddy. Sooner or later you will have a website failure and backup buddy, (providing you use it) will allow you to have your website back up and running really quickly.

In fact, backing up your website and information is so important, I used 3 different methods of backing up my site in case of problems.

3: I generate 85% of my income with email marketing, so capturing email and segmenting potential prospects is high on my priority list. More recently I invested into convert box which without doubt is one of the most easy and useful email related tools I possess.

4. Website problems generally come down to cache or related problems, it also speeds up your website if you have a good caching plug-in installed and I have found none better than Breeze which I believe is free at this time.

5: if you want to make an Internet -related income, there is no better way of doing so than by using a membership program, even if you’re giving something away for free secure membership is very much the way to go.

You see, when somebody has subscribed to your membership, they can see the other memberships you have available which raises curiosity and interest. As existing members, they can gain access to those memberships or content really quickly after visiting PayPal.

Friday, 1 November 2019

Optimizing Images for Web

Fast loading websites are about many things, and one of the more important actions is to ensure you’ve optimised your images for web site searching.

In other words, your images have to be optimised to load as fast as possible!

If you upload your own camera or smart phone images, the physical size of those images is likely to be huge, and perhaps a few metres in diameter which is definitely going to slow their load time down.

If you have lots of similar images it will soon become noticeable how slow your website is running.

So, not only do these images need to be sized accordingly and reduced to fit your website, but also the memory size needs to be reduced also.

Your computer screen only displays images at 72 to 96 DPI, that’s dots per square inch, and so when you’re optimising images, they don’t need to display at resolutions higher than this.

Optimising images for websites display can be easy, or quite difficult.

If you’re well healed and have time to learn a new program I would suggest you invest into photo 

However, and by complete contrast, if you like to keep things fast and simple I would suggest that you use a program such as Canva to do the heavy lifting for you.

By the way, you can use canvas free option to achieve this for you.

Another way of optimising images for the web is to place them on a 3rd party referencing site such as Amazon A3.

I show you exactly how to use these in the video, so enjoy.

Thursday, 31 October 2019

Influential Words

Whatever your niche or marketplace, if you want to generate a good income you need to be able to influence and communicate well.

All communication starts with the written word, if you can write words which influence people you will never go hungry.

Everything starts with words, from taking notes, to writing emails, articles, and sales material. Even the text for this video all started with putting pen to paper, or in my case, words on the screen.

Most people are happy to tell you that they can’t write!

What utter rubbish, everyone who has ever learnt to read can also write. It’s just that right now they usually don’t have that much belief or confidence in their skills.

This is due to the fact they have never given their writing skills that much effort.

The truth is, that most people have negative memories of their English teacher and having to write boring essays and projects, and the tasks were arduous.

However, and by complete contrast, if you follow the information and guides included in this video, then you will find writing simple, engaging and lots of fun.

In fact, I generally start with a warning, which on this occasion is that writing can become more addictive than heroin, to me it is!

Seriously, there is nothing more rewarding than writing copy which goes on to influence readers and swell your bank account.

Learning to write and master the powers of written influence is really not that difficult if you take it a step at a time, and are prepared to commit to writing something every day.

Just 15 to 30 minutes today and you will soon see your writing skills dramatically improving.

So, if you want to run your own small business please let me remind you that written communication skills are not just important, but essential.

If you don’t learn the skill of writing yourself, then you have to rely on someone else who may not deliver exactly what you had wanted, and not only that employing a good copywriter can cost you a small fortune.

Learning to write influential words and copy is probably the biggest and most valuable investment into your future profit generating ability you can make.

Unusual Circumstances

Our police forces have to deal with some unusual cases and even more unusual circumstances as highlighted by this strange series of events.

My unusual circumstances began with annual diabetic eye test, I have been having them for years without and unusual circumstances.

My screening was being held in my local village surgery just half a mile up the road from my home and my son kindly dropped me off, and there were no unusual circumstances so far.

However, I told him not to wait and I’ll be glad to walk home after my test, and there was nothing unusual about that either.

My eye test required me to have drops placed into my eye to dilate my pupils so the back of my eyes could be photographed to see if there was any diabetic damage.

No pain, just a bit of discomfort mainly from a period of tunnel vision where I could only see directly straight ahead without any peripheral vision at all, but this inconvenience only lasted for a few hours at most.

Now you understand why my son drove me there rather than me driving myself, and still to this point there were no unusual circumstances.

However, after my appointment was complete and I started to walk home I needed to cross the road. Still no unusual circumstances, I looked up and down the road and could see was safe to cross, and so I did.

As I arrived at the other side of the road I tripped over the pavement. I presume my lack of peripheral vision and cause me to catch my heel on the curb stone, still no unusual circumstances.

As quick as a flash, and to save myself landing on my nose I spun round and landed heavily on my rump and only slightly bruised my pride and dignity.

As it happens, coming down the road and witnessing my unfortunate tumble and unusual circumstances was a police patrol car, now they probably thought that I was inebriated.

Nonetheless, they jumped out of the car to help and help me to my feet. This is where the unusual circumstances started, the policeman immediately seized my arm and started to remove his handcuffs and asked me if I was carrying any drugs!

Only after I had explained the circumstances and they had verified my story with the surgery did they give me a lift home and saw me right into the house, how kind.

I haven’t stopped laughing, a 63 I was suspected of being a drug addict or crack cocaine dealer.

Tuesday, 29 October 2019

Business Potential Analysis

I’m sure we’ve all been there, you have a great idea for a new project, a product or even a service and you think it’s wonderful!

Of course, you do, it’s your baby, your idea, and right now it’s consuming your every waking moment.

You’re too close to your business potential analysis success.

Really, you need to step back for a few days and then take a fresh look at it with new objective vision and ask yourself a few questions which may make you think very differently about your new idea.

So, do you run with it and invest your emotions time and money, or, do you leave it and possibly miss a huge opportunity.

It’s quite a predicament you find yourself in, so this video is dedicated to helping you find the answer, and to do this you simply ask a series of questions related to your new product or service.

Run them through this process and you will have a more objective and clear picture of whether you should run with it, look for something else.

Do MORE Work In Less Time!

Do More Work In Less Time We all have the same 24 hours in the day, but how we choose to use them is totally up to us. If you want to discover how to do more work in less time watch carefully because some individuals managed to do huge amounts of work, while others, in fact, most people do less than half an often much less. You’re probably thinking that this additional work output comes down to them working harder, and this may be a small part of this equation. Getting more done really comes down to working smarter, and working smart and getting more work done in less time comes down to your mindset. Your belief, and what you believe you can achieve, but more importantly having a process that works is the most important element in this equation. Spending less time working more effectively comes down to not so much what you do, as what you don’t do! Which in this case is allowing yourself to be distracted? Distractions are always going to be there for all of us, but some individuals are far more adept at ignoring and avoiding them than others. This is the secret to achieving more work in less time, staying laser focused on the task at hand, and using every spare moment wisely. Every moment of time that you allow yourself to be distracted, you waste additional time trying to refocus yourself, so by removing temptation completely so you can stay hundred percent focused on your goals and objectives. Having breaks and changing the action is also important for high achievement success. I always suggest working in small increments with lots of starts and lots of finishes, the times where you remember and achieve most. Then use this time in between your work blocks for other more mundane tasks.

Monday, 28 October 2019

How to Speed Up Website Load Time Wordpress

If you want to make more money online you need to understand how to speed up your website load time, especially if you’re using WordPress.

There are many ways of speeding up your website and the time it takes to load, especially on WordPress.

WordPress, needs to have a caching plug-in installed because this can seriously slow down website load time.

However, the best way to speed up your website is to make sure you have lightning fast hosting which will make a huge difference when it comes to retaining visitors longer on your site.

In addition to this, it is also essential for your visitor to see exactly what your page and site is about the very moment they arrive.

It needs to be tightly matched to the search which brought them there and they need to see this fact immediately. If they don’t, then they are just one click away from your next lost opportunity.

The upper 3rd of your screen, that’s the bit which can be seen when they arrive at your site must tell the full story, what’s in it for them, and capture their attention immediately.

If you can achieve fast website load time with immediate comprehension and desire for visitors to stay longer and learn more, then you are a winner and likely to keep visitors and potential purchasers on your site so much longer than your competitors.

Remember to stay focused, and provide visitors with what they want, not what you think they want because presumption is the fastest way to go broke.

Next to speeding up your website load time, your most important task needs to be to learn as much about your prospective customers as possible.

In fact, the more you learn about your prospects and potential buyers, the more income your site would generate.

These are the simple guides to generating higher website incomes, but please remember the most important factor in this small equation is a speed at which your website will load.

High-speed website loading equals more visitors, and all things being equal, more visitors equals more customers and more profits.

Sunday, 27 October 2019

MINDSET is everything!

Your mindset is totally unique and is everything you need to advance in life as much as you desire.

Your actions and what you achieve on a daily basis is controlled by your mindset which in turn governs your belief system and your levels of self-confidence, and indirectly your volume of achievement in general.

The great thing about the way you think and your mindset is you have the power to improve it from this point forward.

There are no mindset or add-ons to go and purchase as you have everything you need to become a successful as you desire, you were born with them.

Unfortunately, not many people know how to use these tools, nor did they come with an operating manual or were they taught at school.

That’s why this mindset video will help you advance especially if you lack self-confidence in certain areas or a shy in any way.

Improving your mindset and everything related to it is really quite simple as you decide what you think about, and more importantly also decide what you wish to believe.

For most individuals this mindset fact comes as quite a surprise and that is why you don’t find that much information relating to this topic.

Whatever it is that you want to achieve in life, with just a little adjustment and alteration in your thinking your mindset will get you there.

Your mindset is everything, seriously.

Saturday, 26 October 2019

Planning Is Everything!

I’m sure that you’ve heard that age-old saying that no one plans to fail, but far too many people FAIL to plan.

Plans, and planning is without doubt one of the most important aspects of success at virtually anything you do.

Most individuals start with a goal or objective that they want to achieve, and by working on its planning and potential regularly it grows until the day comes when you breathe life into it and it starts to live.

Your objectives become your plans, and if you’re wise, and I’m sure you are, you will work on your planning regularly and preferably on a daily basis.

Your planning is not so much to ensure you get it right, but to guarantee you can’t get it wrong.

Often, my plans and planning start months and even years before they take on a life of their own. 

Often, I work on them regularly, but sometimes with gaps due to other commitments.

Without my written fine detailed plans and planning all of my earlier work would probably be forgotten or redone a second time quite needlessly.

However, by keeping well detailed written plans I can return to them at any time and remind myself of my objectives.

Unsurprisingly, when I return to my plans in this way, I get enthusiastic and start to change and improve many things. The reason for this is that in the time I have been away my knowledge has grown which is change my thinking and provided me with many additional thoughts and ideas which 
I now include in my plans.

I like to read my plans, especially the planning of my top priority goals and objectives most mornings and sometimes again at the end of the day.

The reason for this is quite simple, reminding myself what it is I desire and am planning to achieve keeps this objective at the forefront of my mind.

You have probably heard it said we generally move towards the things that we think about the very most, learn more about plans and planning by watching this short video.

Tuesday, 22 October 2019

Mindset and Money | How to Train Yours

Success and making money, starts and finishes with your mindset.

How you decide to think is EVERYTHING!

If you think about generating money with a positive attitude, then you are far more likely to be successful that those individuals who give no consideration to this important option.

The late great Henry Ford summed it up in one sentence: with the you believe you can, or you believe you can’t, you will be correct!

This is basically positive thinking in action.

One of the wisest judo coaches I have ever met would always spend time at the end of every training session talking about mindset, seeing your success, taking time to appreciate yourself standing on the top of the podium.

Before judo contest, he would say, if you believe you can then you have a chance, if you believe you can’t, or haven’t given it any thought, then you have no chance!

It’s the same with anything, but especially money, and the way you think about money and how you generate it.

To me, success, mindset and making money is all about residual income.

Passive income streams which I developed once and then generate income from over and over again.

This is smart thinking and the right mindset to make money, lots of money and ongoing income, while I’m free to live my life on my terms.

When it comes to mindset and making money, you can train the way you think simply because you’re the one who decides what you think about.

You’re also the one who decides what you believe!

Yes, you can change your beliefs.

Your present circumstances come down to the way you think, what you believe and the actions you have taken.

If you want to improve anything, simply change one of these 3 things.

See you at the top!

Monday, 21 October 2019

The Laptop Lifestyle | 6 Steps to Becoming an Online Success!

Using the laptop Lifestyle to become a financial success by working online is not that difficult, in fact, and by complete contrast, it is lots of fun.

However, there is lots of things to learn before the laptop Lifestyle success will start to happen.

That’s why I have made this video, if you follow my advice and put into action every laptop lifestyle thought and idea, I promise that in the very near future it will start to happen for you.

The laptop Lifestyle will be different for every one of us, so, what works for me may not work for you at all.

Why is this?

Quite simple, you are a different person to me, think differently, expect different outcomes and do things completely different, that’s what makes us individuals.

That’s also why the laptop Lifestyle will become a perfect fit for you.

The laptop Lifestyle is not a one size fits all project, no, you can design and sculpted to suit yourself and your needs, the lifestyle which you want to lead.

This short video offers you tons of ideas which will fit you better than a made-to-measure glove if you take the time to learn them, and then put them into action.

The laptop Lifestyle offers anyone amazing financial prospects, and an even more amazing potential to live their life in a way that they wish.

It will for you also, have fun.

Sunday, 20 October 2019

The Laptop Lifestyle | 12 weeks Paid Holiday Every Year!

Seriously, have you ever considered what you would do with 12 additional paid weeks holiday every year? For many people this would be a dream come true, and by utilising the laptop Lifestyle it is very possible for you to achieve it.

For most people involved in the laptop Lifestyle, or who work from home, well, they have virtually zero commuting time, for me commuting to and from my office is just a 10 second journey.

Even if I decide to work from a cafe in my local town while indulging in a little people watching, even then it’s just a short walk or bus ride. In fact, the longest commute in my laptop lifestyle is when 
I decide to work from my car overlooking a local beauty spot, and this takes me 5 or 7 minutes to drive along country lanes to get there.

By complete contrast, those individuals who are not living the laptop Lifestyle, most of them have a 2-hour commute to look forward to each and every day.

The small amount of interaction I have had with commuters is that they are not happy.

Unlike those who live the laptop Lifestyle, they could be compared to the walking dead and do not seem to be happy or have anything to look forward to. They travel in silence wallowing in personal misery.

How depressing!

If this is you, then better prospects await, you should consider implementing and creating your own laptop lifestyle.

Friday, 18 October 2019

The Laptop Lifestyle Welcome

The Laptop Lifestyle Welcome

I wanted to do this short video so you know exactly what to expect from the laptop Lifestyle video channel and website.

It’s dedicated to improving the lifestyle of anyone who wants to break free of the rat race and live a laptop lifestyle themselves.

It’s about having the freedom to live your life in the way which you desire, and having the time to enjoy it.

The laptop Lifestyle is about having more life in general.

I promise if you follow the laptop Lifestyle advice provided in this video, you will have the time to live your lifestyle in any way which you desire.

You will replace your job with a very UPGRADED lifestyle, and in addition to this the laptop Lifestyle will provide you with fun packed profession which will provide wall-to-wall personal fulfilment.

This will only work of course, if you actually take action.

One of the main reasons people are so attracted to the laptop Lifestyle is that they dislike their job and feel that they are trading far too much of their life for too little income in return.

Many hate commuting with a passion and the fact they have to pay for this privilege out of their after-tax wages rather than pre-tax profits.

Living the laptop Lifestyle also means you can decide who you will work with.

Having a job often means the only thing you have in common is a person or company who is paying you, and other than that you dislike the people who you work.

The laptop Lifestyle will provide you with so many opportunities to develop a very happy and rewarding existence where you can spend your free time as you wish.

The Laptop Lifestyle | and How to Get Started

The Laptop Lifestyle and How to Get Started
It’s funny how many people are jealous of the laptop Lifestyle and lead on a daily basis.

It seems that a lot of individuals would really like the opportunity to work from the comfort of their own home, or in other locations around the world.

Of course, the laptop Lifestyle, and its portability is ideal for anyone who is attracted to work in this way.

What I find most surprising is that the same individuals are unaware that you can shape and mould the laptop Lifestyle to perfectly fit the lifestyle which you would like to lead and live.

So how exactly, do you get started living the laptop Lifestyle?

Well, the 1st big point is that you can get started very part-time, and there is no need to give up your job. In fact, I always advise people not to give up their job until they have their laptop lifestyle producing regular income, and certainly enough to replace the income of their job.

The true starting point for the laptop Lifestyle would be knowledge and education!

You see, most individuals simply don’t know what they don’t know. By this I mean that they are unaware how many completely different ways and methods they could use to generate ongoing profits.

So, this is where I suggest that they start, finding out more, exploring possibilities.

Do this, and it won’t be long before you have discovered many ways of making your own laptop lifestyle highly profitable.

Wednesday, 16 October 2019

The Laptop Lifestyle and Profitable Email Marketing

Whether you’re a newbie and fresh to generating online income streams, or, you’re already a seasoned professional.

If you don’t use email marketing as one of your main profit generation tools, you’re truly missing the big fish. You’re leaving lots of profit potential totally wasted and lying on the table for someone a little bit more forward-looking to claim.

What a lost opportunity.

The laptop Lifestyle was made for email marketing.

There is no easier and more portable way of generating a lucrative laptop lifestyle than with email marketing.

I can carry the entire tools of my trade, (notebook, iPad and laptop computer) in a small side bag. Everything I need to make an extremely lucrative and ongoing living all in one small man bag.

The laptop Lifestyle is about portability, and working from where ever in the world you wish, and that’s exactly what I do.

In the UK summer months, I often work in my sunny conservatory or even outside, as well as participating in my favourite pastime of people watching from a local cafe etc.

However, if its cold or rains I retire to my nice snug office.

On sunny days I often work from my car for a few hours in a local beauty spots, or, while indulging in a little people watching in a local café, and these places I find very inspirational and good for creating and writing ideas.

Because I love the laptop Lifestyle and email marketing so very much, I even take my work with me on holiday with me. We generally take 5 or 6 one-week holidays during the year and because I rise early in the morning, much earlier my wife, it gives me the time to do 2 or 3 hours work which I love.

During the cold European winter months, I migrate to the 24-hour warmth of South East Asia, and Cebu in the sunny Philippines where I do a few hours work most days.
To me, the laptop lifestyle and email marketing is the ultimate lifestyle.

Thursday, 10 October 2019

Your First Ongoing Online Profit Stream – Ideal for Beginners

If you are new to generating income online, then you already know that it needs to be:

  • Inexpensive to get started.
  • Beginners simple to get set up.
  • Have comprehensive training and quality support.
  • Quick and easy to get started and up and running.

Include all of these points and you have a product, a method which will be attractive to new business beginners as well as those who been in Internet marketing for a while already.

One of the beauties of this particular business is it takes just 60 seconds to generate $25!

That’s how long it takes to fulfil a sale.

And best of all, you can do that again, and again, and again!

Over and over again all day and all night long with multiple products.

Even better, you don’t have to trade your time for money, set this up just once and then get a VA (virtual assistant) to do it for you, that’s what I do!

And is easy for you to do exactly the same.

#yourfirstongoingonlineprofitstream #idealforbeginners #noexperiencenecessary

Wednesday, 9 October 2019

How You Can Generate Ongoing Profits with High Ticket Affiliate Products

How You Can Generate Ongoing Profits with High Ticket Affiliate Products

Let me ask you a question, which would you prefer to earn?
·         Affiliate commissions from a $12 product?
·         Or, affiliate commissions from a $1500 product?
·         would you prefer your commissions were one-off payments?
·         Or, ongoing monthly payments as long as your client continues to purchase.
No contest!

This is why you should consider becoming involved with high ticket affiliate products and sales, rather than those that just pay you pennies.

Discover more at:

Sunday, 6 October 2019

How to Become a Digital Entrepreneur - Without Money

Click here for free mentoring:

Claim your 58 Work from home and Laptop Lifestyle ideas:

How to Become a Digital Entrepreneur - Without Money
was inspired by:
Minority Mindset:
Becoming a digital entrepreneur and starting a work from home or laptop lifestyle business without money sounds fantastic!

This short video will show you how to get started and where you can get tons of lucrative digital entrepreneur ideas without spending a penny.

All of these ideas have been tried, tested and proven to be winners and hold huge potential.

#howtobecomeadigitalentrepreneurwithoutmoney #withoutmoney #digitalentrepreneur

Follow the Laptop Lifestyle:
Click here for free mentoring:
Claim your 58 Work from home and Laptop Lifestyle ideas:

Saturday, 5 October 2019

You Can Live the REAL Laptop Lifestyle Also!

The main question which I’m asked about living the real laptop lifestyle is: how can I make a living and provide a regular income to keep me and my family?

The answer is quite simple but not what they expect.

You can generate an exceptional laptop lifestyle living in a variety of different ways.

And every method has literally thousands of variations so you’re going to have the market virtually to yourself, while at the same time dozens of role models to learn and grow from.

I generate my income in a number of ways, one of the more recently is from YouTube, here is my YouTube channel for you to study if you wish:

Generating videos is a fun way of making a living, and if you’re saying to yourself ‘I couldn’t be on video or speak to a camera! - let me tell you right now that you don’t have to and below this video which will show you exactly how.


The best way to get started is to watch others and learn as much as you can, and sooner or later you will start saying to yourself “I can do that” and “I can make a good job of it”!

As soon as you reach that point you’re 90% of the way to work from home, and laptop lifestyle success.

The fastest way however to bring you up to speed with livingthe real laptop lifestyle is to join my profit generating email list and I will send you regular short profit generating emails which will grow your knowledge base quickly.

Friday, 4 October 2019

13 SMART Ways to Make More Money Working from Home

There are many ways of generating greater profits and making more money working from home.

However, many of them require you to trade far too much of your time in return for too little return.

This is something which I’m keen to avoid in this video.

What you will discover are 13 simple and smart strategies (HACKS) which if you use them will begin to generate you a far greater income than you’re generating right now.

These are not the only smart actions, but these are tried, tested and proven to work by anyone who 100% gets behind them and implements them into their lifestyle.

One of the main hacks will encourage you to develop more self-serving habits, while at the same time eliminating or improving those bad habits which we have all developed and are holding us back.

Put these hacks into practice and a few months down the road you will look over your shoulder and be amazed at how far you have come and progressed.

The best things in life are generally simple and straightforward and so are these hacks!

So, if you’ve been looking for a way to take your life to the next level?

Then invest a little time watching this video and implementing the simple advice into your life.

Subscribe to my Profit Generating email list:
Find me on Facebook and Instagram @theREALlaptoplifestyle

Thursday, 3 October 2019

How to Make Quality Video Without Being On Camera!

Click the following link for your Content Samurai FREE trial

How to make quality video without being on camera!

If your objective is to generate a liveable wage and ongoing profit from working online, then you seriously need to consider finding a method of generating high-quality video recordings to place on 

YouTube and drive your prospects and probable purchasers to.

Content Samurai is an excellent solution which you should consider using.

You can quickly generate high-quality videos which are supported by relevant video and images which will make a big impact on your viewers.

Using content Samurai, in conjunction with voice-activated software, I can generate the script for a 10-minute video in less than an hour.

I can then add images or video to my script quite quickly from within the software.

I then record the soundtrack, or use an electronic voice to speak for me in just minutes.

Generally, I can create instructional videos in just a couple of hours, where as other methods can take days.

Right now, content Samurai has a 7-day free trial for you to take advantage of.

Give it a whirl, or you’ll never know what you’re missing!

Subscribe to my Profit Generating email list:
Find me on Facebook and Instagram @theREALlaptoplifestyle


This video was inspired by:
Sunny Lenarduzzi:
Justin Bryant:
Justin Brown - Primal Video:

Click the following link for your Content Samurai FREE trial

Wednesday, 2 October 2019

How to Legally Advertise on Virtually ANY Website for FREE!

Grab this software and bonuses here:

How to Legally Advertise on Virtually ANY Website for FREE!

In this video you’re going to discover a valuable method and technique for generating large sums of affiliate income almost OnDemand.

The same technique can be used for building mail list quickly and efficiently, in fact, you will find it difficult to find a more valuable tool and asset in the creation of responsive email lists than this one.

Although comprehensive this software is lightweight and is lightning fast and offers you so many different possibilities and potential for generating ongoing online income.

Right now, I don’t know of any other software which office you the potential to legally advertise on virtually any website for free.

Plus, if you purchase through my link I have valuable many bonuses which are yours for nothing.

✅ Subscribe to my Profit Generating email list::
✅ Find me on Facebook and Instagram @theREALlaptoplifestyle

This video was inspired by:

Grab this software and bonuses here:
How to Legally Advertise on Virtually ANY Website for FREE!